3 Install

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We do encourage all users to be on the latest version 3 release. You are welcome to remain on version 2 (or even 1), but we will only be able to provide limited support (and no bug fixes) to older versions. Please consider upgrading to the latest version.

Upgrade Overview

Please follow the instructions detailed on the Installation Overview page. This is also the order listed in the quick access menu on the left side of every page on this wiki.

In brief:
0. Overview
1. WinRAR
2. Ecosystem_Apps
3. Adobe_Reader
4. Repetrel. Select ONE of the following
4.3. Version 3.x (you are here now)
4.4. Version 4.x
5. Drivers
6. Firmware
7. Settings
8. Recipes
9. Licensing (not needed for v3)

After you have completed steps 1-3, this page is step 4, the Repetrel download.

Repetrel Download button.png

The Repetrel download includes the latest Repetrel v3 software and firmware for your 407 (30M, ESR) or 429 (16A, EHR) Motion Controller, your 103 Print Head and Hot Bed Controllers, and controllers for the CO2 laser, 3-phase spindle tool, and extra axes. This install must be carried out per the instructions below, so that Repetrel and its dependent resources will be found in the expected locations.

A video giving a quick overview is available at: https://youtu.be/VMyS3h4qiSA

A video showing the actual upgrade process is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4QwiuQtjO0

On new (clean) installs, you MUST run Slic3r.exe BEFORE launching Repetrel. Configure it to run in expert mode, then exit.

Installing Repetrel

  1. Download http://hyrel3d.com/updates/repetrel_3.083_K.rar This contains:
    1. Repetrel
    2. Motion Controller firmware
    3. 103 PH/HB and other Controller firmware (see Firmware for compatibilities)
  2. Extract the contents
  3. Rename previous C:/repetrel to C:/repetrel.old (or similar)
  4. Move your extracted repetrel directory to C:/repetrel

Software upgrade complete. Occasionally a user will have to point existing shortcuts to the new executible, C:/repetrel/bin/repetrel.exe

Click here to watch a video of the software upgrade process.

Click here to watch a video of the Motion Controller Firmware upgrade process.

Click here to watch a video of the 103 HotHead/HotBed Controller Firmware upgrade process.

After Repetrel

Please proceed to steps 5-8 to complete your install or upgrade.